martes, 20 de octubre de 2009

Resumen Lectura de la Semana

Hola a todos:

Espero que se encuentren mejor y puedan regresar pronto a la escuela, mientras tanto aquí les envío el resumen de la LECTURA DE LA SEMANA para que les sea más fácil su comprensión y no se atracen mucho.

Recuerden que cualquier duda que tengan me pueden escribir en el blog o a mi correo electrónico:

Saludos y que se recuperen pronto.
Miss Grace


Tomás missed his bed and his house in Texas. He and his family were driving to Iowa where his parents worked on farms for the summer. When Tomás and his brother rested from working and playing, Papá Grande, their grandfather, would tell them stories in Spanish.
One day, Papá Grande told Tomás that he should go to the library to find some new stories in English. Tomás was nervous when he got there, but the Library Lady welcomed him in. She gave him a glass of water and helped him find books about things he liked, such as dinosaurs and tigers. She even helped him checked out books to take home to his family.
In the evening Tomás read books aloud to his family in English. When he read to himself, Tomás would forget about everything else and imagine he was riding a dinosaur. In the library, Tomás began to teach the Library Lady words in Spanish.
One day, Tomás brought Papá Grande to the library to meet the Library Lady and to say good-bye. They were going back to Texas. On the bumpy ride home, Tomás held a new book the Library Lady had given him. He imagined he was riding a dinosaur.

1 comentario:

Mónica/Oscar dijo...

Gracias Miss, recibe saludos de Oscar, él también desea estar ya en la escuela.